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Smart Cities (5G wireless)

5G will allow 3 million devices per square mile, instead of 10 thousand with 4G. There will be two (2) cameras for every person in China by 2022, and there's already one (1) Billion cameras today. Microsoft, Google and Huawei are helping to build Chinese 5G smart cities, right now. Google is also in discussion with the City of Toronto in Canada with a subsidary named Sidewalk Labs.
Privacy implications
Privacy is a major issue so depending on the federal/state laws in your jurisdictions will determine whether facial recognition is allowed, monitored during what hours and how the data is collected, stored and used in the court of law. Just as video recording in public is completely legal in the United States, so will likely facial recognition be legal in public places. Will you be allowed to opt-out of facial recognition? How long with the data be stored from the collection of 5G wireless in smart cities?

Will there be a window of time (or in real-time) will facial recognition be used to solve crime? How about your right to privacy, or how it could be used for circumstancial evidence a.k.a your place/time from a past incident. These are important questions to carefully scruitinize and build proper regulations around this new technology.
Health concerns
There may be health implications to 5G we just don't know it yet. Until large scale installations are in-place and we have years of testing we'll not be familiar with the consequences (if any) that come of it. Since there are military applications of 5G in higher EMF spectrums, it gives pause to citizens how their long-term health will be impacted by such 5G devices at every 100m distance in a downtown core of a city. It's up to the government and public services to educate consumers on the benefits of 5G, and regulate the EMF spectrum for the goodwill of its people. So far we are imformed that 5G is non-ionising and therefore not immediately harmful (i.e. like an x-ray that changes and/or breaks down cellular genetics) but more studies will need to be had using 5G device technical specifications documents.

5G Leaders

Huawei has spent 10's of Billions on developing 5G in China.

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